Dangers. Obstacles. Solutions.
This blog has looked at 10 different articles. All of them on climate change. But all spread out over different topics. These articles have introduced new dangers that can come of climate change, new solutions to climate change and new obstacles to those solutions. So, here are the top three new dangers proposed, new solutions given and new obstacles explained.
1. Nuclear War Due to Climate Change
The number one danger that can come from the climate crisis is not climate change itself, but the conflicts that could arise from it. Climate change will most assuredly lead to recourse shortages, and recourse shortages will lead to countries defending and finding more resources at all costs necessary. If we allow the climate to continue on its current course, hotter weather will be the least of our problems.
2. Natural Disasters/Famine Due to Climate Change
The second largest danger that can come from the climate crisis is shortages in food and natural disasters. Basically, the second largest danger that can from the climate crisis is a changing climate. Natural disasters can kill millions of people, and famine can kill millions of people. The reason that this is not the largest danger is that nuclear war would leave almost no one standing.
3. Economy Failing Due to Climate Change
The third largest danger that can arise due to climate change is a failed economy. Climate change will cost the Canadian federal government, and other governments as well, lots of money. Having to deal with new infrastructure and having to deal with more sick people among other things will cost money, and the world is already in enough of a deficit to have to pay even more money. However, the economy failing will cause no where near as many deaths as natural disasters or nuclear war, so it is third.
1. Geoengineering
Geoengineering is a weird one. It is the number one obstacle to climate change as it is somewhat of a false solution. Yes, it can fix our temperature problems and yes it can lower CO2 amounts, but we would just be remedying the problem, rather than finding a permanent fix. We cannot keep on switching to newer and different non-renewable sources. Geoengineering at some point will most likely stop working. We will run out of the lime needed to remove CO2 from the environment. And then the crisis will just start again, but at a much more rapid pace.
2. Lack of Urgency
The second largest obstacle to solving the climate crisis is a lack of urgency. Skeptics are not as large a problem as they used to be. But just because so many people believe that the climate is changing does not mean that many people believe that it is an urgent problem. You can believe that the Saskwatch exists but that doesn't really mean anything if you don't go out and find it. So we can keep on raising awareness about climate change and achieving nothing, as we need to create a sense of urgency. Urgency doesn't matter if we think there is not crisis, so that is why this is number two.
3. Skeptics
Skeptics are an infections problem. They do not only not believe in the climate crisis, but try to spread this belief to others as well. How are we going to deal with a problem if we no one believe in it in the first place? The government will never do anything about the climate crisis if people do not care about it, as a large part of what any government/person in power does is please the people he rules. But why is skeptics not the largest or second largest problem? Well it does not matter if someone believes in something if they do not care about it, and it doesn't matter if someone cares about something if they think it is already fixed
1. Geoengineering
Woah, a solution and an obstacle? Yep. Any solution that we find to solve climate change is going to take time. We will not just be able to find an alternative to CO2 and fix everything. Geoengineering allows us to delay the climate crisis from coming to a peak until we have a permanent solution. Because even if we find a way to make CO2 100% obsolete it wont matter if it's too late.
2. Carbon Taxes
People like money. Corporations like money. Money makes the world go round. And carbon-based assets have a history of making a lot of money. The reason that companies do not want to fix the climate crisis is because they don't want to make less money, so if we start taxing companies heavily for carbon, they will be forced to switch to more renewable resources, as they will make more money through them. But, this won't matter if the climate crisis comes to a peak, so Geoengineering is still the most needed solution.
3. Research
The third best solution to the climate crisis is just researching solutions at a faster pace. Yes, there are already semi-viable options which could change things, but by researching we might find an even better one. However Carbon Taxes will spur research, and geoengineering will allow research to take the time needed to find a solution, so it is the least important solution.
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